Saturday, 9 February 2013

Let's start at the very beginning ...

It all began one wintery evening - Paul and Shell were having a meal with Rob and his lovely family.  After dinner, Rob pulled out his trusty guitar and played a few of his tunes.  Paul and Shell were so impressed, that they encouraged Rob to record them.

Here is Rob - doing a bit of his guitar and singing stuff.

So, we got together in our spare time and in between fruit cake and cups of tea recorded 15 songs we thought kids might really enjoy.

There is our lovely Thermos!

In order to make the recording we splashed out on a microphone and we borrowed a computer in the Music Department (Education) at the University of Waikato. Hooray!

There's that computer.

Spot the new microphone.

The sound was far from professional but we thought it would give folk a good taste of our music.

This is the 'sh sh sh' at the start of L-I-B-R-A-R-Y

Paul doing his guitar thing.
 Shell doing her double bass thing.
Discs got passed around from family to family, gifted to friends and sent to distant relatives. We thought the songs were fantastic and pretty funny too. What would others think? .......
Rob doing some moves.

It wasn't long before parents were telling us that the songs were being listened to and sung non-stop. They didn't seem to be complaining either, but said things like - "The whole family knows all the words." Mums and Dads were waking up in the morning to the sounds of Mr Roberelli in the living room.
Rob playing the ukulele ...
 ... and the guitar.
And now Paul on the tambourine.

One Dad was so impressed that he decided to help us do things properly.

Thanks to his support we're now out in the world and working on our fifth CD!

Here is a video from a couple of our awesome young nephews out in the world doing cool stuff to Mr Roberelli.

1 comment:

  1. Yuss! Great pix. Especially the one featuring the thermos and the crown lynn!
