Wednesday, 27 February 2013

All you need is a little help from your friends...

Recording a new album is good fun.

Here's Rob singing and strumming.

Shell doing pizzicato on her double bass.

Paul concentrating hard on his trinkley bits.

But hey, we didn't do it all on our own!!

First of all we need a really great recording engineer. We have one of those - he's also a fabulous musician, which helps us out no end! You can hear his electric bass, harmonica, piano and cicada sounds (to name a few) all through our albums!
Here is Jeremy (+OneFatMan Productions) working hard, with Rob watching on.

When you listen to our albums, they all have special instruments and voices played and sung by our kind friends and relatives. Yay!

Jenny, our lovely singer.
Linda is Paul's sister and our other wonderful singer!

Gilbert, our marvellous Mandolin player.

Shell's mum Clare on her button acordian.

Uncle Simon singing some pasta opera.

Petey Boy on the Bagpipes.

Ben on the Cornet.

Old family friend Mr Richard blowing his Baritone.

Ross doing glissando on his Trombone!

Graham keeping the beat on his drum kit.

There are many other lovely people that have helped out at the recordings, we just didn't manage to get photos of them on the day!

Thanks to them all!

Here's a video of us recording our very first album.

 Happy Days!!

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